This Vagabond ...

"The Lord is Good, His Steadfast Love Endures Forever." ~Psalm 100:5

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Uploading for Jesus

Posted by Ruth72

I've been online since 9pm last nite and now it's already morning/wee hour of a new day.

I just posted 4 christian ringtones on, something that I did for the first time since I jointed the community in Feb this year.

It has never crossed my mind before, coz I'm more to a downloader than an uploader. Free, yes...thanks to the diligent & generous zedgers. Many nights ago I was surfing the same website to look for christian ringtones, but was met with disappointment in what I found. Most of the ringtones are too modern, hip-hoppy or R&B, while I being the (conservative?) type, prefer the traditional hymns or church friendly sounds. Then God planted this idea into my head. Why don't I myself upload the familiar christian songs into zedge for the use of other users? Imagine other people who downloaded 'my ringtones' and be blessed by it? No doubt there are seas of modern, worldy songs 'parking' at the same site, and christian songs are too few in comparison, but I believe this small amount shall attract the people who thirst for God's music like I did that night. So I downloaded 4 ringtones just now. I just did.

On Sunday night, my family & I had a steamboat dinner at home. Earlier that evening my sister and I bought the cooking set at Cosway at reasonable price. It's been my desire to have that cooker so that we could prepare healthy food with less oil and fat and more vege.

I resigned to my bedroom at 10.30pm, not to sleep but just to lay down and read a book I've been trying to finish entitled Heart-Talk With Jesus while listening to mp3 on my Nokia handphone. The songs like When I Look Into Your Holiness, Jesus We Enthrone You and Great Is The Lord filled my heart with nostalgia. I remembered the time when I was an active member of the Inter School Christian Fellowship (ISCF) in my old school (college, by prestige) back in the mid to late 80's . I am a music lover and a composer at heart. During those years, I composed 2 christian songs during my teens, 'managed' to be sung during group gatherings at the same school. I have no idea if the songs are still sung at christian gatherings, but they are my personal gifts for the Lord that I don't mind if people don't recognize me at all as the composer of those songs...afterall, God does. So, it's good to know that 'Alone In The Desert of Live' and 'Kau Lebih Indah Dari Mawar Merah' are actually my songs, my very composition.

Back to the scene in my bedroom, God touched my heart profoundly and filled it with His peace, that I gushed out prayers in many words. I had too many things to say and tell my Lord, incoherent as they seemed, I believed that He heard every word and paid attention.

I felt so blessed. Nowadays the word 'Joy' brings a deeper meaning to me. I may be in a difficult situation, being misunderstood sometime or another, carrying my cross everyday like other Christians, yet God's joy is in my heart, intact. I want to keep learning to have that joy embedded there despite life's circumstances. Lord, for that I thank You and invite You to sustain your peace and joy inside of me. Amen.