This Vagabond ...

"The Lord is Good, His Steadfast Love Endures Forever." ~Psalm 100:5

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Winter in Bintulu

Posted by Ruth72

It's been rainy lately and the temperature is cooling, which I prefer to the hot, dry weather. The weather also reminds me of freshness of the soul, being poured upon by divine water after a long drought.

Recently I read an awe-inspiring book written by Father John Catoir, entitled 'God Delights In You'. It's a life-changing, God-sent book... a revelation of something which I've never known before, to think that God ever 'delights' in a sinner like me :-( but after reading this honest, down-to earth book, I feel like a free bird ready to soar up the sky. Now I can fathom His love, not to the depths, but at least I know He loves me very much enough to tell me, 'Keep trying, I'm not angry with you...' each time I fail to perform my duty as a Christian.Last time I used to think of God as a fearsome Father who punishes me everytime I contravene His law. Yes, "the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom", but my kind of fear is undoubtedly a wrong kind of fear. I fear Him to the point of misunderstanding His love for me. Thank You, Lord...for enlightening it to me.