It's a cool day in Bintulu...slight rain in the afternoon and a little sunshhine right now. Just to update my little Baby Nia as shown in my previous blog way back in 2008 is now a 'young lady' of 5, so feminine in her ways and her collection of shoes, wardrobe and beauty accessories can easily put me to shame, figuratively speaking hehe...
She's now in her first year of kindergarten, a fast learner, sensitive at heart and such a kind and generous person for someone her age. Selfishness is never in her vocabulary, and thus I test her sometimes by saying if I can have a bite of the food in her hand and she will, unhesitantly, stretch her hand to me and offer it even though it's the last which I respond with a kiss and explain to her that I'm just kidding.
That's the reason why I sometimes called her 'anak semba' in Bidayuh...which if translated to English means 'Auntie's daughter'. I don't have a daughter of my own since I'm still single, and more often than not I strongly feel that I love her and her brothers like a biological mother. They truly are the cutie apples of my eye. :)